- January 21, 2021
- injuredsenior
- Senior Injuries
There’s a massive problem in our senior community, and it has to do with professional guardians. These professional guardians are not related to seniors and elderly individuals; these professional guardians attempt to get guardianship over a senior and do so relatively quickly and with no pushback from the probate courts. Sadly, it’s something that goes unnoticed by the media and even by these senior citizens’ families.
The Guardians
A documentary, The Guardians, covers this issue a great deal. The film takes place in Las Vegas, within the Nevada Guardianship and Family Court systems involving the legal kidnapping of older people in a lucrative business that drains seniors’ life-savings and robs them of their freedoms. Victims get caught in a scheme that has allowed corrupt court-appointed guardians to take total control over their healthcare and financial decisions. Armed with court-orders obtained under dubious circumstances, guardians can forcibly empty the bank accounts of our seniors. (https://www.billiemintz.com/the-guardians).
An Abusive System
Guardianship a pretty necessary concept when somebody gets to a certain age where they need help and need somebody to look after their affairs, look after their health, and look after their finances. However, the system gets abused by some very ruthless people that are extremely coordinated. There is a cabal of lawyers, judges, and healthcare workers who work together to speed up the guardianship process and take over a senior. It’s sort of like The Body Snatchers. It’s horrifying when this happens to seniors who are completely capable of taking care of themselves.
When people try and get help because they are victims of abusive guardianship, they will often get turned away, and law enforcement will say that it is a civil matter. However, professional guardians can be robbing older adults in broad daylight with no recourse from the legal system. Later, the guardian will stop covering their tracks because they think they are invincible. When this happens, it can eventually lead to a conviction.
Financial Depletion
Typically guardian abuse will happen in the form of financial depletion. They usually deplete the bank accounts of the individuals that they’re actually supposed to be protecting. By the time they knock on your door, they already have everything of yours; it’s already too late. The guardian will have access to everything from every single financial asset you have, from your house to your stocks and your bank account; the professional guardian will have it all. The guardians will then get rid of the seniors by putting them in a nursing home after drugging them up. Lastly, the guardian will sell everything in the senior’s house, and then, you guessed it, sell the house.
There’s a real need for guardianship when people get to a certain age. However, guardianship is also known as a conspiracy against people to destroy them, take their money, and make the last years of their life completely miserable. Unsuspecting seniors can be a victim to a system that is set up to take care of the senior. Unfortunately, the legal community is abusing legal guardianship in order to kidnap people literally and legally. Plus, lawyers are a big part of this. What they are doing is actually legal, but it’s an unethical legal act that is happening in broad daylight, right out on the street, and they do not do anything to try to hide it.
Fighting Guardianship Abuse
Florida, Arizona, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada are all hot spots for these abusive guardianship cases. If you want to help eliminate this massive problem, you can check out American Against Abusive Probate Guardianship (AAAPG). This organization was founded in South Florida in 2013 by Dr. Sam J Sugar. Luckily, AAAPG has been on the national forefront of focusing attention on guardianship abuse victims’ plight ever since (https://aaapg.net). You can donate your money to help fight these awful criminals through their website. Also, they are always looking for members to join their fight. That way, you can align yourself with an organization committed to seeing positive changes made in how all 50 states handle legal guardianship.
If you want to share your story about abuse of guardianship, share it with the National Injured Senior Law Center community: https://www.injuredseniorhotline.com/. If you’re going to stay up to date with what is affecting our senior population, follow The National Injured Senior Law Center on Facebook.